Foreman Focus Friday: Tracey Henderson

Sep 30, 2022 | Source: Hermanson Marketing | Foreman Focus Friday


For Special Projects Sheet Metal Foreman Tracey Henderson, it’s been fascinating to watch how the construction industry has evolved over the years. Companies have whole teams and departments that simply didn’t exist when he started in the industry back in 1997, and that’s a good thing.

“I came to Hermanson because I was looking for a home. I had good friends that had been working at Hermanson and they were over the moon about how the workers were treated and the direction Hermanson was going as a company,” says Tracey. “And as odd as it sounds, I was looking for people to grow old with.”


Tracey first found his interest in the trades as a high school student growing up in Chicago. He took shop classes throughout school, and at 16 years old, he got hired by one of his teachers who owned a construction company. After high school, Tracey joined the Army, serving until he rejoined the construction industry in 1997.


As a foreman, Tracey says the most important part of his job is serving the customer while still protecting the company interests and taking care of the people who work for Hermanson. 


“If the team can find its groove and avoid the low points while still giving the high points, then customers are happy, the people that work with you are happy, and the people you work for are happy. Everyone is glad they came to work,” says Tracey.


Some of Tracey’s favorite moments on the job at Hermanson are the days when the whole team is in the zone as a group.


“When, uniformly, everyone has the same goal, we put forth the same amount of effort, and we come out on top. When everyone knows, that as a team, we killed it,” said Tracey. “Those are the days when we all come together and the collective wins over the individual.”


Presently, Tracey is working on a few of the Microsoft building projects and the GLY Headquarters relocation. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his wife, four adult children, and grandchild. When he and his wife Danielle have the opportunity, they like to travel, with trips including Florida, Arizona, Wyoming, and (hopefully soon) Puerto Rico.

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